Michigan Odometer Disclosure Statement – MI

In the State of Michigan when you sell or transfer the ownership of your vehicle you need to complete the odometer reading on the front of the vehicle’s Certificate of title in the Title Assignment by Seller section. The odometer disclosure statement is mandatory for all vehicles model year 2011 or newer, self-propelled, and with a registered weight of 16,000 lbs. or less.

These type of vehicles are exempt from odometer disclosure requirements in the State of Michigan: all vehicles model year 2010 or older, all vehicles over 16,000 pounds, all non-motorized vehicles (trailer-type), low-speed vehicles (LSV), mopeds, and scooters.

However a separate Odometer Disclosure Statement is required when the vehicle’s Certificate of title doesn’t contain the odometer reading section. You may use also a separate Odometer Disclosure Statement form in other specific cases and to keep a sale record for yourself along with a copy of the assigned title. See more details below.

In conclusion you may use a separate Odometer Disclosure Statement form in certain situations but in this case attach also the original assigned Certificate of title. In any case the seller must retain a copy of the title (front and back) and of the odometer disclosure for five years.

Section 233a of the Michigan Vehicle Code (MCL 257.233a) requires the seller to give the buyer a written odometer mileage disclosure statement before delivery unless the vehicle is exempt from odometer mileage disclosure requirements. Also please note that Federal law and section 233a of the Michigan Vehicle Code require that you state the mileage in connection with the transfer of ownership. Failure to complete this form or providing a false statement may result in one or more of the following: civil liability, fines and imprisonment. Also read carefully the instructions on the vehicle’s Certificate of title before you write on it. Be careful because any alteration will void the Certificate of title!

Michigan Odometer Disclosure Statement Form

Below you can find the Michigan state-approved fillable PDF form for your use.

If you use the Michigan Odometer Disclosure Statement form, this form is composed of four sections. For a sale or transfer you only need to complete the first page. The second page of this form is for leased vehicles only. Below you will learn how to complete this form:

Section 1

The first section includes the vehicle details. Accordingly complete here first the Year, Make, Model, Body style/type and VIN Number:

Photo of a Michigan Odometer Disclosure Statement form section
Section 1 of the Michigan Odometer Disclosure form

Section 2

The second section is the current odometer reading. So here use only digits without tenths. Please check if the odometer reading is the actual mileage. However if the odometer reading is not the actual mileage or is in excess of the mechanical limits of the odometer please check the corresponding box:

Photo of a Michigan Odometer Disclosure Statement form section
Section 2 of the Michigan Odometer Disclosure form

Section 3:

In the third section complete the seller details. Start by filling the seller’s full name. Please write SELLER’S NAME using only Capital Letters. Next fill in here seller’s address, city, state, and ZIP code. Lastly complete seller’s signature and date:

Photo of a Michigan Odometer Disclosure Statement form section
Section 3 of the Michigan Odometer Disclosure form

Section 4:

In the fourth and last section fill in the buyer or purchaser information. So here complete first the purchaser’s full name. Please write PURCHASER’S NAME using only Capital Letters. Next fill in here purchaser’s address, city, state, and ZIP code. Finally complete purchaser’s signature and date:

Photo of a Michigan Odometer Disclosure Statement form section
Section 4 of the Michigan Odometer Disclosure form

In the State of Michigan you may need to complete the Michigan Odometer Disclosure Statement FormForm BDVR-108 (Rev. 10/22).

If you don’t know how to get a correct odometer reading you can view all the details here: Reading the Odometer – How to read an Odometer.

Tip: to complete the Michigan Odometer Disclosure Statement Form on your device (computer / phone / tablet) open this PDF form in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

You may also fill out this form by hand. Don’t forget to use a pen and not a pencil!

How to complete the Michigan Odometer Disclosure Statement

If you complete the Odometer Disclosure Statement in the Title Assignment by Seller section on the vehicle’s Certificate of Title you need to complete the following required details.

Please note that any alteration or fraud (forgery) voids the title and can be a crime!

As a seller first complete the purchaser’s or buyer’s full name. Please write PURCHASER’S NAME using only Capital Letters. Next complete the date of sale and the selling price. Next complete purchaser’s address, city, state, and ZIP code.

Following the seller needs to complete the current odometer reading and use only digits without tenths. Next the seller checks if this is the Actual Mileage. Alternatively the seller may check if the Odometer reading is NOT the actual mileage (Odometer Discrepancy) or if it exceeds the odometer’s mechanical limits.

Next the seller needs to sign and to complete his/her full name. Please write SELLER’S NAME using only Capital Letters. Lastly the seller fills in his/her address, city, state, and ZIP code.

Finally the buyer acknowledges the odometer certification made by the seller(s) by signing and filling in his or her printed name. This means to use only Capital Letters to write BUYER’S NAME or PURCHASER’S NAME:

Photo of Michigan Certificate of Title section
Title Assignment by Seller section in the Michigan Certificate of Title

Odometer Fraud in Michigan

If you think you may be a victim of odometer fraud please try to talk first with the seller. However if you are unable to find a solution you can file a complaint here: Michigan Secretary of State – File a complaint.

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