In the State of Alaska when you sell or transfer the ownership of your vehicle you have to complete the odometer statement on the vehicle’s Certificate of title. For newer titles the odometer reading must be completed on the front of the title and for older titles on the back of the title in the Assignment of Vehicle Title by Owner section. It is mandatory to record the odometer mileage for any vehicle model year 2011 or newer, self-propelled, and with an unladen weight of less than 12,000 pounds. You will find more details below.
The following vehicle types are exempt from odometer reading in the State of Alaska: any vehicle model year 2010 or older and vehicles with an unladen weight of more than 12,000 pounds. Also not self-propelled vehicles, low-speed vehicles (LSV), non-motorized vehicles (trailer-type), mopeds or scooters are exempt from odometer statement as well. Particularly a vehicle that has not been previously titled or registered is also exempt from odometer statement.
First of all read all the instructions on the front and back of the Certificate of title before you start to write on it. Be careful because any erasure, alteration, strikeover or use of white-out will void the title! Finally always use a pen with black or blue ink and not a pencil to write on the title.
Please keep in mind that Federal and State law requires the seller to state the mileage in connection with the transfer of ownership. Failure to complete the odometer statement or providing a false statement may result in fines and/or imprisonment!
Also a separate official Odometer Disclosure Statement Form V6 is available in the State of Alaska. In the absence of a title, in certain situations, this form can be used to record the mileage of a vehicle. Particularly any individual can use this form to record a private transaction in addition to a copy of the assigned Certificate of title (front and back). By keeping these records for a period of five years you can prevent future claims from the buyer.
Alaska Odometer Disclosure Statement Form
Below you can find the state-approved fillable PDF form for your additional use.
If you decide to use also the separate official Alaska Odometer Disclosure Statement Form V6, this form is composed of five sections. Below you will see how to complete this state-approved fillable PDF form:
Section 1
In the first section complete first the seller’s full PRINTED name and address, city, state, and ZIP code:
Section 2
At the second section of this form complete the vehicle’s details. So complete here first the VIN Number, Alaska License Plate No., Year, Make, Model, and Body style/type:
Section 3:
The third section is the Odometer Disclosure. Here the seller certifies the current odometer mileage. Complete the current odometer reading by using only digits without tenths. But if the current odometer reading is in excess of the mechanical limits of the odometer or is not the actual mileage please check the corresponding box.
Lastly complete seller’s signature and the date of this statement:
Section 4:
In the fourth section complete buyer’s details. Start to complete here the buyer’s full PRINTED name. Then complete here buyer’s address, city, state, and ZIP code. Finally complete buyer’s signature and date of statement:
Section 5:
The last section contains details about this state-approved form:
In the State of Alaska you may want to complete also the Alaska Odometer Disclosure Statement Form – Form V6 (Rev. 4/9/2021).
If you want to better understand how to record the correct odometer you can find more details here: Reading the Odometer – How to read an Odometer.
Tip: to complete the Alaska Odometer Disclosure Statement Form on your device (computer / phone / tablet) open this PDF form in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
You may complete this form by hand. However please use a pen with blue or black ink and not a pencil!
How to complete the Alaska Odometer Disclosure Statement
When you complete the Odometer Disclosure Statement on the vehicle’s Certificate of Title you have to complete the following required details.
For newer titles, issued after 2015, the seller certifies and completes first on the front of the title the Odometer Reading. To record the current odometer reading please use only digits without tenths. Only if it’s the case the seller checks the first box if the mileage stated is in excess of the odometer’s mechanical limits. Or the seller can check the second box if the Odometer reading is NOT the actual mileage (Warning: Odometer Discrepancy).
Then the seller(s) signs above the line of the field Signature of seller.
If there is a lien the seller must obtain a release from the Lienholder as well.
Next on the back of the title complete the Transfer of Ownership section. Complete here first the buyer’s full PRINTED name. Please write BUYER’S NAME using only Capital Letters. Next complete the buyer’s address, city, state, and ZIP code. Then complete the vehicle’s license plate number. After that complete the purchase price.
Finally the buyer acknowledges the odometer reading made by the seller on the front of the title and signs:
For older titles you need to fill in on the back of the vehicle’s Certificate of Title the Assignment of Vehicle Title by Owner section.
First fill in here the PRINTED name of the Buyer or Transferee. Next fill in buyer’s address, city, state, and ZIP code.
Then fill in the current vehicle License plate number and the date of sale.
Following the seller needs to certify and fill in the odometer reading. Same here, please use only digits without tenths. Then the seller checks the first checkbox if this is the Actual Mileage. Only if it’s necessary the seller checks the second checkbox if the mileage is in excess of the odometer’s mechanical limits. Or the seller checks the third checkbox if the Odometer reading is NOT the actual mileage (Warning: Odometer Discrepancy).
Next the seller fills in his/her PRINTED full name(s) exactly as it appears on the title and then signs.
Finally the buyer signs:
Odometer Fraud in Alaska
If you think you are a victim of odometer fraud please try first to find a solution with the seller. However if you cannot find a solution you should File a Complaint Form with the The Consumer Protection Unit of the Attorney General’s Office. After you complete this form you can send it over email at [email protected] or by mail: Office of the Attorney General, 1031 W. 4th Ave., Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99501-5903. For more details call 907-269-5200.
Discover more details about the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles
For more details please visit the website of the Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles.
The Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles provides proof of vehicle ownership by issuing titles for motor vehicles, manufactured homes, and trailers.